Porting Phone Numbers to OnRelay

It is possible to port your existing business numbers to OnRelay. Or if you would like to eliminate a business cellphone contract it is also possible to port geographic cell number(s) to OnRelay (US and Canada only).

Note any ported in number remains yours. So if you at a later time should wish to terminate your contract with OnRelay, you can always take the ported number(s) with you to a different provider.

Do not cancel your existing service until the number port has taken effect as per the below steps:

  • When you sign up for a free trial with OnRelay you will get a new mainline number in your area code of choice.
  • You can replace this mainline number with an existing port in number at any time during your trial, or at a later time.
  • You can also port in existing company numbers as mainline aliases or direct user numbers (DIDs).
  • To initiate a port, you fill in our Letter of Authorization, and send it to support@onrelay.net alongside a recent bill copy that proves ownership of your numbers. 
  • To avoid hiccups and delays, please make sure all your form data are 100% consistent with records at your existing provider, and that it is signed by the same person who is the named contact at your existing provider.
  • Please also beware most providers for security reasons now require a special purpose PIN to port out a number. You can normally obtain this PIN from their support line.
  • Upon receipt of your documentation, OnRelay submits the port request to one of its preferred network providers.
  • You will a normally a few days thereafter be notified of the exact time and date the number port will take effect, normally approx. 1 week after OnRelay submits the port request on your behalf. In some cases you may also be asked for additional security info.
  • OnRelay will ensure its service is ready to accept calls to your port in numbers the moment the scheduled switchover takes effect. Normally no action is required on your behalf, albeit in some cases mobile apps must be re-registered to receive your updated dial plan config.
  • At the time the number port takes effect, calls to your number will be routed by the public phone networks to OnRelay, and you can also place calls from your ported number(s) from OnRelay’s service.
  • When you have confirmed the number port has taken effect, and you are receiving calls as expected, you can cancel your service with your existing provider.